Here's a list of some lizard species that can live with certain types of snakes: Desert Banded Gecko - Can Live With Many . To avoid MBD, make sure that your fire skinks have access to UVB light and a high-quality calcium supplement. Fire skinks caught in the wild will need more taming than captive-bred skinks. Its also important to get more information on the origin of your pet. They may use water from a shallow dish to stay moist. Most people are not sure whether they are poisonous or not. A 4-foot long terrarium (at least 120 gallons) is a good size for two adult bearded dragons. You will likely find fire skinks at reptile expos or through online sellers. Although the African Fire skink lays eggs the process of feeding the young ones is not much different. While others eat from tongs others eat from a dish. Fire skinks are susceptible to ticks, mites and bacterial infections. The African fire skink falls under the oviparous type of the skink species. link to How Do Snakes Measure Their Prey? The best way for easy handling of the African fire skink is to give it the confidence of a secure environment. The species has strength in numbers - living in a group makes it easier to spot threats, which helps the group survive. I've heard several sources say they're aggressive and need to be kept separate, while other sources say that they can live in pairs if their enclosure is big enough, Id appreciate answers to any or all of these questions if you can, thank you :). This means male and male or female and female. If your fire skinks get too cold they will get sick and eventually die. One such concern is the risk of injuries from fighting. The temperature is very critical and having an excess of minimum temperature could cause the death of lizard. Leopard Gecko Lifespan, What Do Tadpoles Eat? You can also check on small breeding programs. Since it is quick and slippery, Fire Skinks may be hard to get a hold of, especially new pets. The breeding process is quite easy as long as you have the right environment and suitable conditions. Be sure to secure any hides or plants that could potentially be toppled over. The males will court the females and then mate with them. The same case applies to fire skink. When keeping fire skinks in captivity, it is important to provide them with enough space to live comfortably. Otherwise, the lizards may become stressed and fight with one another. You can also use peat moss or reptile bark as the substrate. They are active burrowers and will spend a fair bit of time staying hidden under an appropriate substrate. However, both horizontal and vertical spaces are of equal importance. Fire skinks are a hardy species, but they may develop certain health issues if they arent properly cared for. Fire skinks that have exposure to UVA light will be healthier and will have brighter colors. African fire skinks are not hard to handle and will usually act tolerable. King worms and mealworms are appropriate to feed to your skink on occasion. In addition, Blue tailed skinks are smaller, not small enough that they could be preyed upon, but small enough so that when bullying does happen, it will be the Leo bullying the Skink (s) for . Tammy is passionate about educating pet owners and sharing her expertise, which is why she joined, Your email address will not be published. This is including mealworms, crickets, and earthworms. Do not put any heater inside the enclosure. You can view more articles on caring for lizards here. However, at times they may want to act territorial. However, in case you only have a single African fire skink the size should help you. Humidity is very important especially for reptiles. Mostly fire skinks will feed on insects. They get most of the water they need from their prey or from the water droplets formed during misting. Buying your reptiles from trustworthy and knowledgeable sellers will increase the chance of you owning a big and healthy fire skink. Glass is among the best suggestions for enclosures. A close check to their back is either golden or bronze color. You should provide them with 1012 hours of light during summer and spring. In the case the gap between meets the required temperature you can allow the cool end to go to a temperature of up to 75. The process of swindling acts as a protective measure as it distracts the predators. If the juvenile fire skinks nip at each others tails, they need more food. Setting Up The Habitat There is no steadfast rule about what to put in your pink-tongued skink's enclosure. African fire skinks will normally be spotted climbing up. When keeping multiple fire skinks together, it is important to provide them with a diet that is rich in nutrients and variety. They can be found in open woodland areas, Mediterranean scrublands, rock crevices, cultivated fields, farms, gardens and towns. Schneider's skinks will be near impossible to find captive bred as very few people have had success. Be careful whenever you handle the African fire skink in your hand as it could easily escape. Dusting provides extra nutrition and can prevent metabolic bone disease. Wipe down dirty areas, scoop up messes from the substrate, and replace the substrate often to prevent mold and mildew build-up. We also have Clickbank and receive a commission on products sold. Your fire skink is not going to require anything fancy when it comes to water sources within the habitat. Skinks are naturally shy creatures, and they will be stressed if they feel exposed. In terms of feeding hatchlings dusted crickets is among the best recommendation. Skinks are diurnal (active during the day) Skinks spend their time looking for crickets, flies, grubs, worms and spiders to eat and sunning themselves on rocks or tree limbs when they need to warm up. In the wild, fire skinks live in colonies of up to 100 animals. We will discuss everything from housing requirements and diet to breeding behavior and common health concerns. [Answered]. You can also use the disinfectant to clean the tank when you replace the substrate. In fact, its always recommended to have the proper reading of the temperatures on the enclosure from time to time. In addition to eating insects, skinks enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables. These come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be easily placed in the terrarium. You also need to make sure that there is more than one hide box and multiple climbing areas, these will allow the skinks to get away from each other if they need some personal time. The fire skink (Lepidothyris fernandi) is mostly found in West Africa, but is also found in Angola and Guinea. When kept in groups, these animals may become stressed due to the increased competition for food and shelter. Females display tails that begin to taper away past their hips. An under-the-tank heater on the warm end of the tank is helpful, and dome lights can be useful as well. Read More Fire Skink Species Profile You should never place heat sources inside the tank as the heat can burn your fire skink. Being consistent about addressing the points above will help you have an enjoyable and long-lasting relationship with your pet! These interesting-looking lizards are not only fun to observe, but easy to care for as well! Also, remember to replace the water. You can increase this by misting your tank with water a few times a day. Could I keep a pair of Fire Skinks together in a large enough tank? The correct lighting for fire skinks is often debated, but your fire skink will benefit from UVA exposure. The most important thing is ensuring the enclosure feels the same as the lizards wild environment. African fire skinks can be good pets if the condition in temperature remains suitable. Your fire skink may also escape if you handle it in an open space. I also have Google Ads displayed on this website for which I receive commissions. In case the substrate humidity meets the required level you can lower the surface humidity to 40%. Heat should be generated via an under-tank heat pad or ceramic heat emitter placed on one side of the enclosure. These lizards need a tank thats at least 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. The pet trade impact is also not known. Understanding the Causes and Solutions, link to Can Bearded Dragons Eat Slugs? To encourage breeding, you should keep the tank at 80F and increase the daylight hours to longer than 12 hours. This is after the matting processing is over. Male adult fire skinks can reach up to 15 inches while females are slightly smaller. In addition to space, fire skinks need hiding places where they can retreat when they feel threatened. Try to make sure that the enclosure is as humid as possible. The great thing about this is that it gives you a lot of control when it comes to keeping them healthy. He currently resides in the United Kindom with his wife and two children. Fire Skinks do not require a water dish but you can give them one if youd like. Fire skinks need humidity levels between 60 and 70 percent in their habitat. I would consider them an easy to. The enclosure should maintain the temperature of between 84 to 86 between the cool end and the hot spot or basking area. If you spot a fire skink being aggressive it is probably a male. Feed your fire skink three to five insects at each mealtime. Just as other lizards react grabbing the fire skink by the tail might break off. There are conditions that must be met when you decide to take care of Fire skinks. The other bad method is gripping their tail. When pairing two fire skinks, you should watch them with care during the breeding season. Expert Tip: Of course, the lifespan of an African fire skink can be strongly influenced by the quality of care they receive. Moving the fire skink to an enclosure also means changing its environment. Fire skinks are often caught in the wild and tamed for hobbyists. Some lizards are normally very aggressive and will try to attack anyone who comes too close. Normally the African fire skink will breed from April to May. The tank should have more width than height to give the fire skink more space to move. Ensure the live food is also dusted in calcium supplements. Its important to think everything through before you start putting together the habitat setup for your fire skink. The female and the male African fire skink may actually have a small difference in color. Fire skinks can be housed together if there is sufficient space and if the pairing is male to female. Schneider's Skink. Make sure prey is live. Perhaps the biggest limiting factor is that their body length, which can go up to 15 inches (37cm), including the tail, which might be too much for some. This characteristic can be hard to notice. Avoid grabbing the fire skink by the tail. They are mellow creatures and have gorgeous colors that make them a favorite among reptile owners everywhere. Allow the skink to crawl over your hand so that it feels comfortable and understands there is no threat. The African fire skink can be found in western countries in Africa. Gendering fire skinks can be difficult. Reptiles and amphibians can make excellent pets, but they require special care to stay healthy and happy. A male African Fire skink is normally longer than 13 inches. The same case applies to fire skink. However, you might not know snakes use this same measuring system to determine if their prey is too Are Lizards Bad Luck? Do not feed the fire skink the same food for a long period of time. Skinks and geckos are good together as they eat a wide range of insects. Most lizards normally reproduce to live lizards although small in size. This isnt something youll have to worry much about, but its worth pointing out that it is a possibility. But this is mainly to do with hatchlings. Two skinks can be kept in a 10-gallon enclosure so long as both skinks are female or one is male. Fire skinks can be just as handleable but they do need extra work put in. By following these simple guidelines, you can create a happy and healthy home for your fire skinks. The typical size of a fire skink is 14 to 15 inches in length for males, and a few inches shorter for females. You can house your fire skink in a glass or acrylic tank with enough space for it to move around in. After the mating has happened you will be required to separate the male fire skink from the female fire skink. Mike's website is a valuable resource for keeping your pet healthy and happy, whether youre considering adding a reptile or amphibian to your family or youre already a pet parent. He currently resides in the United Kindom with his wife and two children. The fire skink will also jump to your hand. Making sure that you keep them in the correct tank size will go a long way towards ensuring the health and happiness of your fire skink. . A female African fire skink normally lays five to nine eggs. In fact, the fire skinks can survive well without the UVB. While its true that fire skinks have a pretty even temperament, they will (like all reptiles) bite if provoked. The African fire skink is regarded as a shy lizard. Roughneck monitors are found in the South-East Asian countries of Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, and surrounding territories. This family of lizards is famous for their beautiful colors and ability to change hue. This is also a defensive measure to keep the predator distracted. Captive-bred skinks are regarded to be less temperament. You can pick the fire skink gently and hold it loosely on your palm. This beautiful little skink has a body color that can range from black to white to silver. The fire skink is a tropical lizard that needs to be kept warm. When the fire skink is comfortable in their closure they will be very active and easy to handle. We cant recommend them enough! The calcium supplement should be dusted daily on the young African fire skink.