So who am I going to be staying with? (darts over to clubs and takes out a club) You like golf?! Lynn(Boy): Yep! She looked straight at him with a horrified expression and lincolns sisters has the same reaction as well. What you thought was merely imagination was a psychic memory of their real exploits. Lucy: Wicked. Both Linka and her mom shook their heads.). Plot Summary:Lincoln gets a new classmate who has a crush on him and so sees him as a saint and berates the sisters for being "mean" to him. Lincoln:Oh, hey Lana! *Lana, Lola, Leif, Lexx , Lisa and Levi are seen eating Funnel cakes. Linka: Okay, I'm looking forward to you when you return. Lincoln walked over Linka.). You're in so much trouble! Isn't he a breath of fresh hare? See? Lori: Aw, I nicknamed mine, Bobby Boo-Boo Bear. Liam, Good. Lincoln:Girls! His living room had gotten smaller as all of them slowly grew up. *Leni and Loni are in Calf-Price Gift Shop. I like your white hair. (gets up from table). (She walks to the kitchen). Grace: Okay, that'll be thirty-five dollars. The sisters and Odine fight in a large dust cloud and then Lincoln walks towards them. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. ), (Suddenly, they heard a beeping sound. They got their (Charles woke Lincoln up for school) Lincoln: Morning, Charles. It was a drawing of him and Ronnie Anne kissing. Odine:(sniffles) I understand. Odine:No, I mean like-like, why do you think I was trying to kiss you in the woods. Lana on Lincolns team and hits 5 pins and Lola on Loris team hits 6 pins. Linka: I had the same dream where I encountered these same girls. Lisa: Now before we get started, I want everyone to stand back. Lincoln: Well, almost. Odine:But dont you go around smelling like rotten eggs all day. (The Loud siblings jump in the portal, leaving their dimension.). Is anything broken?! Lisa finishes a screwing in the last bolt and finally, the watch is finished. Linka:His name is name Ronald Santiago, Bebes little brother. *Luan and Lane are in the House of Moo and they each decorate a cow face to match the picture and they both win. Lincoln:You seemed really sorry about what you did and you didnt get to have any fun. We cut to Movie theater and We see the Loud sisters in cinema going to their seats and then Luan puts a whoopee cushion in one of the seas and Luan quietly giggles to herself. We see they took their shoes because they got uncomfortable after a while. Lana wraps the bandages around his arms and his ankle, Lola puts band aids on his cheeks, his knees and his forehead. Lisa: Alrighty, how about we chat in your room. Lincoln and Linka: Who wants strawberry muffins? Like Luna, Luke also wears purple boots and a grey belt wrapped around his pants. Ms. Johnson then asks in concern). So help yourself. The Loud Sisters except Lily: I'M A BOY!!! Linka: Yeah, not all girls are thin skin emotional crybabies people make them out to be. (They trade each others chips). (Her sisters stand back as they were told and Lisa aims the watch at the TV.). Luke: I dont know, dude. Feast your eyes on this! Odine:(whispers)Yeah, this is gonna be the best day. (This portal reminds Lincoln of what he's been through from his dream. Odine:Oh nothing, Its justI saw feed that squirrel that was sonice. Odine: WaitWere just getting started. Zach:Okay, trade you.some tater tots for some of those onion rings. Lincoln: So Linka, how did you manage to get your brothers to listen you? Linka: Yeah, but in your universe, hes probably a strong man but here, Ace Savvy is a strong woman, who protects the weak and downtrodden with her sidekick, One Eyed Jackie. I got free tickets when Lexx won the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant! ), Lynn(Boy): (snickers) that was weak! *Luna and Luke riding on mechanical cow and them saying "YEE-HAW!" Who's next. Now Ill have plenty of money for us to go anywhere We want. The broken loud. - Hunter - Wattpad Then an hour all of the kids are at the table and Lori brings back pizza. Linka: You heard him. Lincoln: Awesome! Odine:Yes, all youve been doing is messing with this beautiful little saint when he's done nothing wrong! (looks at comics on his dresser) Are those Ace Savvy comics?! She has some dolls on her shelf instead of action figures, She has her glass mirror on her clothes drawer with makeup.). (walks offscreen). Unlike Lori's eyebrows, Loki's eyebrows are yellow instead of black. Maybe We can go out on a day on town, Just the two of us, without his obnoxious sisters. Lola: Wow! Odine and sisters run to the edge and they watch as Lincoln hits many rocks until he finally reaches the bottom of this hill. Poor kid, Lincoln Loud runs away from home heading straight to New York after having experiencing a big explosion of embarrassment as it rises up off of a video that went viral and way too far. ), (Then moments later, Luna and Luke are seen sitting in metal chairs and looking on their phones.). After they polish off their sandwiches and they pick their drinks and dink them, they drink up. Lincoln sees this and comes over to help with his problem, Lincoln:Its okay, You can have some of my Knoppers, Theyre Hazelnut wafers. Linka: Of course they do, they have to have parallel tastes. He tries to kill hims. ), Leif: Ha. (1 hour later, Loki gets a text from Mom and Dad.). Hmmm I know! Then before he could blink, two pizzas fall off the table.). Time for Mud Wrestling! Loni: Like, I got friends at work too, their names are Michelle and Finn. How about a date in the park. Just us, at the park, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the pond? Lori: What?! Lana: And some of us, who choose the mall because everyone else chooses it. Odine growls in angry and much to her dismay, the only empty seat left is next to Lynn. Leni: But what if that other me has yellow slippers and green slippers and I chose the yellow slippers? Everyone:Come on down to Burpin' Burger / Grade B Beef and special spice / When it comes back up, it's twice as nice! Lori: So whats Bebe's favorite restaurant? Lincoln:I also know Im not perfect because I've done some harsh things before, like the time I humiliated them to win a trophy, the time I kicked then out of the pool I bought, the time I acted like I was better than them because of a limo, and that's only naming a few. You play Video Games?! Pizza Delivery Guy: Strange, how many kids are there? I got this. Lincoln:No problem, Anything for my Foreign Friend.So, do you have any siblings back in your country? Lincoln: Pfft, Keep telling yourself that. Lana immediately hops on the picnic blanket and becomes irritated by her presence. Lincoln:(gives the squirrel the acorn)Here you go, buddy. Lynn gets out from under the blanket, laughing. He also has the same paper clip earrings Luna has. Man, starting see difference from my dream. Linka: I'm Linka Loud and these are my brothers, Loki, Loni, Luke, Lane, Lynn, Lars, Leif, Lexx, Levi, and Leon. That was nothing. Lynn. We cut to back to the living room with Odine thinking. Lana: Thanks, you know what else is cool? Lincoln: Man, Theres like noshin pizza with my sisters and counterparts? Odine:Dont worry, Ill find another place where they cant find us. (walk off), Lincoln:Its just a prank, just go upstair and Ill get the sodas and take my bag upstairs with you (gives her his bag of chips). Where do you think he ran off to? (And finally, Downstairs, Lincoln and Linka are playing Muscle Fish, Lincoln is playing as Muscle Fish and Linka is playing as Chai Lin. Odine opens one of her bags and pulls out a jar full of money. Linka, what do you think We should go? They proceed to start eating the muffins as Lincoln and Linka sit in between them to watch Dream Boat). Broken Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Rape. ), (Loki pays the pizza delivery guy and by time Loki closed the door, He was confused.). Lincoln:Well, whoever this kid is, he or she is gonna be awesome. Lincoln:Its okay, Odine. Lisa: Time passes differently in our dimension. Lincoln: I have to admit Lisa, you were right. User blog:CircularBoat742/Fanfiction - Comeuppance Consequences | The Check this. (blushes) Shes kind of my girlfriend. Lori: Wait, Why are you telling us all this? In fact Hes done lots of nice and kind things. Linka: Yeah! ), (In Leif and Lexx Room, Lola and Lexx are having a tea party with his stuffed animals. Now look what you got your sisters into. Clyde:Like helping an old lady cross the street. Lincoln's eye widen). Lynn:How insensitive do you think We are?! (heads upstairs and tears up)Ich kann nicht glauben, dass es vorbei ist( translate: I can't believe that it's over). Lynn(Girl):Wow, you and me have the same name. Odine grumbles as she keeps eating. Teen And Up Audiences. We start at Royal Woods Elementary and We hear the sound of a bell ringing. I dont know what see you in us but I know its complete baloney! Lori: Then we should probably leave. : I think he wants one person to jump to see if its safe . Lincoln:Yeah, theyre praticing being Hall Monitors. Leni then hits 7 pins and Lori hits 8 pins. (farts with armpit), Lana: Cool, I can do that trick too! A Male entering a Beauty Pageant? Lincoln:Sorry, Odine ,Were gonna have some TV tomorrow. (Pats him on the head). Loki:See theres plenty of room for everyone. Lynn(Boy): Yeah, Im number zero and for me, Zero means Hero! Lynn Sr. :Well, Im glad your excited to stay with us.In fact, Im gonna make a special dinner tonight. Lincoln pulls out a chair and sits in it and then Odine sees an empty chair next to him and she rushes to chair as quickly as possible but then Leni sits next to him. On the way, he befriends with 3 kids that kept him safe and in search of finding his family. Author's note :This is a deconstruction fic of the St.Lincoln trope. (They arrive at the Uncle Penns Parlor.). (It cuts to the siblings sitting down and they start eating again and We see Leni trying to play with Leon with her finger.). The Loud Brother except Leon: I'M A GIRL!!! Odine:Wow, Lincoln, You crushed that test. Lincoln:No offense, Clyde but thats kind of average. Lori: Sorry, Linc. (pulls out her phone) Selfie? (looks at the clock on his wall) And is that Muskel fisch clock?! Odine:(in her head)Okay, Lily may have gotten a strike but Im sure the boy of my dreams will get a strike. (They heard the door open and it shows their parents, but for their dad he wears pink sweater and dark brown pants while their mother wears her green shirt and light brown pants). We cut to Lincoln coming out of the bathroom, rubbing his face with a towel. (Both Lynns start playing soccer again. Lisa: (gasp) Good grief! Im glad youre not one of those boys who think pageants are for sissies. Lisa: Siblings, May I have your attention please? Odine:(whispers)I got it! (Lisa walks over to the TV, with her back turned to her siblings and her hands behind her back.). You were trying go on a date with Lincoln? Girls! Lincoln: Nope, Were taking you to Gus games and grubs. Odine becomes appalled by seeing Lincoln being under a blanket of gas and hearing scream and grunt. Here its called Uncle Penns Parlor, they sell best Ice cream in Royal Woods. Leni: O-M-Gosh!