McKinsey in France: The Pro-Bono Scandal is Only the Beginning, Escobar: De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear, Robert Kennedy and Donald Trump The Left-Right Punch to Corporatist Fascism, Warsaw wrath: Polish protesters urge end to support for Ukraine war, Ukranization of Poland, Trudeau govt internet censorship Bill C-11 becomes law, 500 Australians Join Worlds First COVID Vaccine Injury Class Action Lawsuit, Copyright 2012 - 2023 | TLB Project LLC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dr. Tim Ball On Green New Deal: Its Not New, Not Green and Not A Deal, Indigenous Communities Revolt Against Eco-Colonialists: Trudeau Crumbles Under His Own Liberalism [VIDEO], Hungary and the Future of Europe: The Forces Against Orban. RT @WatcherDead: Here is Marc Daalder with the NZ Prime minister And his father Ivo Daalder with John Kerry, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Biden and at the Atlantic Council (Soros, Ukraine Scandal) What're the odds? (Unsurprisingly, the posters soon attracted anti-Semitic graffiti.) The Atlantic Council is a leading Washington pro-NATO think tank. You accept the use of cookies as per our, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Adrienne Arsht Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, Rafik Hariri Center & Middle East programs, Policy on donor acceptance and disclosure. (1/8) A Thread-23. Going back to that Honor Roll of 2018 contributors to the Atlantic Council, one finds more astonishing names. The Atlantic Council was founded in 1961 to promote understanding among NATO member nations, and its headquarters are in currently in Washington DC. UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraines politics, economy, civil society, and culture. The enormous gift was met as a confirmation of all the darkest fears stoked by his antagonists. The American agents of influence would prefer different language to describe their activities democratic assistance, democracy promotion, civil society support, etc. Soross Open Society Foundations is listed as one of the top donors to the Atlantic Council, coming in under the $250,000-$499,000 category in the Councils Honor Roll of Contributors for the 2018 fiscal year. Thank you, for your continuous crusade for the democratic future of a country that is not even your own. Soros a globalist who wants complete control of the world, and Schiff a moron who wants complete control of the congressional insane asylum. This is the epitome of Swamp culture on full display. November 24, 2019 Other authoritarian leaders around the world took up the charge, suggesting that political agitation and grassroots mobilization against their rule was not in fact an expression of popular will but manufactured by shadowy outside forces, over which Soros presided. The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR, Truth Social, THIS ARTICLE ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON MAY 27, 2020. The Atlantic Council is grateful for the generous financial support it received in . The Ukrainian government opened an investigation into the Biden/Poroshenko tapes last week. (21) So how far can Wexit proceed without Canada? This is an attack on India lead by George Soros funded Atlantic Council and Happiness Council. Charming renovated studio near forest & lake. Early-modern uses of the word philanthropy referred not to large-scale giving but rather to promoting a set of egalitarian, universal values. Soros, who is worth $8 billion according to the Forbes World's Billionaires list, is a Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor based in the US who runs his own hedge fund. Pinchuk is a Ukrainian billionaire oligarch. On September 14, 2015 he wrote Mayor Neeshi to protest the firing of a Calgary City bus driver: (4), Hello Mr. Nenshi. Our programs and centers deliver in-depth, highly relevant issue briefs and reports that break new ground, shift opinions, and set agendas on public policy, with a focus on advancing debates by integrating foundational research and analysis with concrete policy solutions. Internationally, the demonization of Soros has coincided with what two decades ago Fareed Zakaria marked as the rise of illiberal democracyregimes that are democratically elected but that ignore the constitutional limits of their power and depriv[e] their citizens of basic rights and freedom. After the color revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia in 2003 and 2004, in which several Soros-funded NGOs were involved, Vladimir Putin exploited these discontents to suggest that the uprisings had been orchestrated by Soros. Its up for debate how much sway individuals should have over public policy, but its almost impossible to weigh that question soberly when operating in a conspiratorial register. In order to participate in the call, please register below. His bio page at the firm is particularly nauseating: Speaker Boehner joined the team during the autumn of 2016, making Squire Patton Boggs the only public policy firm in the world with a former US House Speaker and a former US Senate Majority Leader (Senator Trent Lott), with a best-in-class team that includes former Senator John Breaux, Representative Jack Kingston and Rodney Slater, who served as Secretary of Transportation under President Bill Clinton.. As the global community continues to grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Atlantic Council is open for business. Before her presidency she had been well-indoctrinated into the Western free market game, studying economics at Harvard and working for the US-controlled World Bank in Washington and the Rockefeller Citibank in Nairobi. The BC government has already shown resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion, making a transit agreement all the more unlikely. Further investigation has revealed that Crowdstrike has deep ties to a think tank which has a history of pay to play practices and a track record of seeking to foment confrontation between the United States and Russia. The views expressed in these articles are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect MintPress News editorial policy. Our business, meetings, and events, however, are occurring virtually. After the Orange Revolution, Ukraines civil society mistakenly presumed there would be no backsliding to authoritarianism. Canada) through bilateral or regional agreements, and that States of transit have the right to protect their legitimate interests; these rights are not absolute and a possible independent country would have to talk to the other state, which would be Canada. George Soros is an exceptionally busy man, at least according to right-wing conspiracy theorists. George Soros is an exceptionally busy man, at least according to right-wing conspiracy theorists. Stories published in our Daily Digests section are chosen based on the interest of our readers. Adam Schiff's Whistleblower statement has connections to George Soros, Crowdstrike, the Atlantic Council, McCain's former Assistant David Kramer and even Buzzfeed. The Americans put a Canadian face on the deal by selecting Paul Godfrey, 77, as Postmedias CEO. Its just about buyer beware controlled opposition people will steer a movement into the rock at the critical moment. Its well known that he is a former RCMP officer, a former soldier, and politician. Draft. Peter Downing, worked in both St. Albert and Morinville and remains on administrative leave after a lengthy suspension related to criminal charges of uttering threats. Some experts argued that IRF and other foundations were disconnected with reality and only worked with a narrow circle of traditional suspects, or the so-called NGO-cracy, whose leaders were busy networking with Western embassies rather than engaging with citizens. A link from the Christ Church site led us to this information which we believe to be Peter Downings military service information. So bye I will separate with Alberta and if Im not at least content with how life is with the change once things settle and get into some order. The statement says nothing about the Ukrainian government's active and verified role for the Clinton campaign against Candidate Trump during the 2016 presidential election. (32) Russia has listed the Atlantic Council and George Soros Open Society Foundation as a security threat and they are both set to be banned from Russia. And thus today, when Ukraines oligarchs are still busy redistributing wealth and stealing from their own people, it is high time to reflect on Soros philanthropy, acknowledge his numerous admirable achievements, and simply say Thank you, George!. Sign up to receive expert analyses from our community on the most important global issues, rapid insights on events as they unfold, and highlights of the Council's best work. [] Soros-Influenced Atlantic Council Begs Ukraine Not To Investigate Biden Tapes []. Yet Soros is highly optimistic because Ukraine, he says, is something of a miraclemade possible by people willing to sacrifice their lives for their country. Based on his confidence in Ukraines future, he pledged last month to continue supporting IRF for the indefinite future, even after his lifetime. Right-wing leaders in nearby countries have also hyped Soros conspiracies to rally their base. If Biden or any of the 7 committed crimes in or against the Ukraine, I would hope the Ukraine would at least apply sanctions like banning them from ever entering the country. The author of this article is listed as Ryan Tumilty. This is an attack on India lead by George Soros funded Atlantic Council and Happiness Council. There is a particular irony to all these attacks. Hes a champion of globalism, capitalism, and progressivism. George Soros is clearly a devotee of public-private-partnership. Only here the public gets fleeced to enrich private investors like Mr. Soros and friends. Our business, meetings, and events, however, are occurring virtually. Pam Barker As a shrewd businessman, Soros never looks at Ukraine through rose-colored lenses. American Conversations Quarantines In America! The Annual World Happiness Report released on Monday in which India ranked 126 and on the other hand the Atlantic Council published an article about Kashmir on same day. The interconnectivity at work here is fascinating. Seasoned journalist and US Editor of the New Statesman Emily Tamkin probes one of the right-wings favorite targets, Hungarian-American investor and philanthropist George Soros, to explore the genesis of his influence and the truth of the conspiracies that surround him. Your email address will not be published. All while being part of the same globalist circle. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. Most recently, Soros has supported a liberal immigration policy in Europe as a response to the refugee crisis. See how it works? The Atlantic Council, a US-based globalist swamp think tank, which was formed in 1961, is behind the latest impeachment coup against Donald Trump. Disgraced Ambassador Yovanovich who was fired by President Trump for corruption, and impeachment witness William Taylor signed the statement. Thats because Soros, perhaps more than any other major philanthropist, has rejected the top-down model on which the caricatures of his philanthropy depend. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. Just within the last year, he has been credited with single-handedly funding the Black Lives Matter and antifa movements, as well as with bankrolling (as a false-flag operation) the white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville against which both of those groups mobilized. (33), The Atlantic Council recently congratulated George Soros for the 17,000 Civil Society projects he is doing in the Ukraine. (That idea may seem unrelated to the words roots, but the conceptual link is that both bold social reforms and modern philanthropic foundations are premised on the inadequacy of modest, intimate, small-scale charitable donations to address the worlds most pressing problems.) per night. Enforcement of this policy is at the discretion of this websites administrators. The group even touted the segment on its website. All rights reserved. The Atlantic Council is a Ukrainian-tied globalist organization known for interfering in the electoral process throughout the Americas and Europe. While Wexits founders are hell bent on establishing the narrative that theyre an anti-globalist party from the west, it should come as no surprise that Peter Downing and co. are, as of late, re-posting corporate news articles written by Diane Francis(pictured) to their social media. Despite these obvious ties to globalism, the team at Wexit has absolutely no qualms about having her cheerlead and endorse their cause. But those narratives soon found a home on the other end of the political spectrum. Your email address will not be published. IranSource provides a holistic look at Irans internal dynamics, global and regional policies, and posture through unique analysis of current events and long-term, strategic issues related to Iran. Instead of rebellion, drain the swamp. The Council provides an . COMMENTARY, Spotlight, Tyranny, WORLD (11) What we do know is that his billboard signs advocate for civil war in Canada. Soros provided an additional $3 million in support of eight strategic advisory groups within the National Reform Council, and its one hundred experts drafted eighty reform bills in education, healthcare, deregulation, energy security, decentralization, administrative reform, and e-governance. The Georgia2024 Show is LIVE Sunday 2pm EST Here On The Georgia Record! Yes. 1. His first major gift, made in 1979, funded scholarships for black South Africans. Not to mention Soros' money. Soros in his December 2014 letter, referring to his proposal for a big bank privatization of Naftogaz and price rise, states, You are fortunate to have appointed three new Ukrainian ministers and several natives (sic) who are committed to this approach.. Founded in 1961, it provides a forum for international political, business, and intellectual leaders. That is to say, administrative controls would be removed and the economy would move to market prices rapidly rather than graduallyNaftogaz needs to be reorganized with a big bang replacing the hiddensubsidies, Splitting Naftogaz into separate companies could allow Soros to take control of one of the new branches and essentially privatize its profits. Oddly standing out among the globalist linchpins are seemingly benign brands such as Hanes, MetLife and Saab automobiles. Obama's administration has nothing to worry about. And his giving will likely only increase in the years to come. google_ad_height = 250; We will have the best of both worlds: we will keep our money and we will have access to the coast. However, the social and corporate media titans work overtime to suppress alternative news. Orbns party has also passed legislation clearly meant to shut down Central European University, which Soros founded (thousands protested in response). Notably, Wesley Clark is also a business associate of Soros in BNK Petroleum which does business in Poland. The Atlantic Council is also financed by Soros's Open Society Foundations and has been in the news for ties to various actors associated with the impeachment issue. Home in La Motte-Servolex. It manages sixteen regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. Lets get some investigations going! Soros's Open Society Foundations is listed as one of the top donors to the Atlantic. In the U.S., Soros was one of the first philanthropists to put significant money toward promoting gay marriage, opposing the death penalty, and reforming immigration law and the criminal-justice system. In March, a group of GOP senators asked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to investigate the extent to which U.S. funds were being given to OSF, allowing it to impress left-leaning policies on sovereign nations, regardless of their desire for self-determination. (The State Department declined to look into it). That serves neither countrys interests. In the United States, conspiracies about Soros were first spun by leftists opposed to globalization. Even if an agreement could be reached, there is no mechanism of enforcement should the parties later disagree.
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