What content will author Lord Leaf bring us at Chapter 5464. And believe me if he was same construction worker with no skills, Sara would never want him to divorce his wife and marry her. The novel is being written as we read it. How can the novel be deviated from its name itself (if he marries other girls then they will marry into the Ye family not marven marrying into their family) Who knows maybe the author will develop her character like a money hungry and evil woman and so the MC abandons her and creates a harem constituting rest of the girls. 2618 captulos ya termine y me dejo el sabor de que recin me encuentro a limitad de la trama esperando a los siguientes captulos. Deberan apurarse, por favor. SO OBVIOUSLY this book is complete till this point!!! I wonder if the reason why Avellas grandfather had the plan to let Avella marry Marven at first time. Till now she knows him as a feng shui consultant only. Still a cliff hanger though. nonsense. Capaz que en unos cinco aos los busque para leer. Atrasadsimos, en selected novels ya est hasta el 2672, QUISIERA SABER SI ALGUIEN SABE CUANTOS CAPITULOS SON EN TOTAL GRACIAS. When the Family of Marven moved to Wrestville, because Changying removed himself from the Ye familys affairs and have chosen for his family to live without the riches of the Ye family, where he was eventually killed together with his wife and Marven disappeared. I hope Marven would not become real and attack those people. Did I mentioned, I read all of it one and a half times already and took a two week break. Because this is a harem LOL. Mientras esperan la aparicin de nuevos capitulos vuelvan y lean la novela desde el comienzo. He estado a favor de que l y su esposa permanezcan juntos, pero estoy empezando a perder mi afecto por el protagonista masculino. She is now countrys top most celebrity with hundreds of millions of fans. If its me Ill obviously go with his wife and the song girl, Lori wang and Nanako Ito Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que dices, lastima que no est terminada la historia. Estoy de acuerdo con Adler de que debera casarse con todas. En mi caso me gustara que no acabe, por eso disfruto cada captulo nuevo cada da esperando ver que nueva jugada nos muestra el protagonista. Quantities of big plots are driven by Charlies secret movements. Respetar a tu prjimo, sin importar las condiciones econmicas visuales a simple vista. No slo son cortos, tiene un relleno demasiado tedioso para leer, se enfocan demasiado en un solo tema y habla de ello como 10 captulos para que al final no digan nada interesante, repiten siempre el mismo tema una y otra vez. I hope thats the case. Very nice novel more girls to Marven but only avela is the legal woman to hand with, Por favor baje por lo menos 10 captulos diarios, , . A quienes estn leyendo, un consejo que no agradar a mucho. Los ultimos 10 capitulos estan repetidos y mal ordenados. Enjoying the novel sent a few donations already thanks, Wrestvel is actually referring to Nanjing in China. Eagerly awaiting the next lot of updates. She cant even sustain her own company without the help of Marvens influence. One thing to bear in mind is that the Amazing son-in-law the names of the leading characters have been changed. And now their relationship has improved to the point of sl33ping in each others arm. I want him to either be with nanoto (the Japanese girl) or Miss Gu, A m tambin me gustara que este con la chica japonesa, pero habr que ver. I was routing for Avella this whole time, but that concert revealed so much! damn.. this novel is good.. every chapter you read will create sensational for you to read another one.. salute for the authors.. i have been reading this novel for 2 weeks and already read it up to 2144 .. googling for chapter 2145 onwards and and just realize that the novel is still in process.. hahahaa, Finishing chapters 01 2144, while awaiting for new update, now im starting to wander around on the streets looking if there are any girls in trouble Thanks admin for novel. i dont know if the husband and wife will end together because how the writer keeps on adding a women everytime the husband and wife is developing for each other and in the story i feel like the writer is a pervert or trying to attract male readers by describing every little details of female character in the story, and fvck the mc has a very big heart because everytime he meets a female his heart will be sting,beat or move, and why the writer makes the wife looks so stupid everytime? Why should I refuse if my husband giving me gifts? Lady Wilson didnt listen to Claire and even commanded her with divorce immediately instead. As for Meiqing becoming Avellas stepmother the concept isnt bs!!! When you think about it, she loves him less than three of the other five women who are in love with him! This spineless pu$$ MC doesnt even make his advances. Definitely not. The content provided here is free, if you are looking for proper translation and other options you can read on premium apps. Please dont be annoyed I need to finish this story. The amazing son in law please . Unfortunately there is no other links available on the page. Is admin all right or something happens.??? Whats happening? Meiqing, is more worldly with a higher-level of temperament & experience then Avella (like most of Master Marvens harem eg: Warnia Song, Gu Giuyi and Ito Nanao.) De acuerdo contigo, es desesperante la familia de Avella, realmente me fastidia leer lo que hace Viola y la torpeza de su marido Para mi sera vivir un infierno con ellos, aunque su vida s3xu4l se me hace de lo ms aburrido, que fuese candente la cosa yo correra a los viejos y disfrutara a mi esposa, sin embargo esa Avela parece un hielo, entonces no se antoja vivir solo con ella Realmente la vida se tiene que disfrutar con la pareja y siento que Sara seria perfecta, aparte que sus padres son todo lo contrario a los viejos Viola y dave. And yes since living in the villa they sleep on the same bed. Buenos das, por favor publiquen ms captulos por da, es que solo 2 o 4 capitulos son muy pocos, es ms, yo estara dispuesto a pagar con tal de que ya entregarn el libro completo. Ya que al principio la novela se centraba en marven y avella Still for Sara, Marven is prudent and while working as a construction worker he was still able to give to the institution that took care of him after his parents died. Not sure what is going on, but The chapters list shows last one being 3400, but I just read 3412. La novela como tal es muy buena y adictiva, el problema es que tiene mucho relleno, entiendo al autor de este enlace que la traduccin es muy laboriosa, y valoro mucho su esfuerzo, espero nos pudiera proporcionar ms captulos para no perder el inters, y nuevamente muchas gracias por lo que hace. Wishing and hoping 10 chapters a day, El problema no es que sean solo tres si no que hay algunos captulos llenos de rodeos y datos innecesarios y queremos saber que pasa, I guess right Mr Watt has a daughter guess additional lady who will fall in love with MY. I am just sad that it stops at Chapter 228. This way it might take an year or two before this novel comes to an end. We are losing interest to be sincere, 2-4 chapters a day? Buscare otro libro que si este terminado y ya que le he dedicado tanto tiempo a leer este escrito, lo volver a buscar en un tiempo, a ver si ya lo acabaron. Also The concept of step mother-in-law is just bullshit. He is ruthless. If not, then you have lost a reader unfortunately, as it is taking too long to finish a story that should have ended by now with a proper conclusion. He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! Y su relacin con su esposa es como la de hermanitos! Sara pudo hacer lo q fuera de su vida y la dedico a buscar a Marven. So another question is why he didnt declare his true identity in public all the time? Checked on xperimentalhamid, it's been published upto chapter 3526. I am also thinking of what the old man in the mountain said to him, was he implying that Marven belongs to Miss Gu? Fun reading.. read it 3x now but the pace is getting slower and slower it will take 10yrs to finish reading these novel..might as well stop uploading f u leave just leave the readers hanging.. si por favor actualizar los captulos del 2554 hasta el 3000, Buenas noches la novela es muy buena y muy adictiva pero es muy decepcionante esperar ms de 24 horas por dos captulos y bien cortos no s si se pueda comprar de una ves la novela con ustedes si alguien me responde sera muy bueno tambin por qu veo que todos comentan pero no hay ninguna respuesta. Go Super Dave kick that Pollard (hahaha. Quiz se pueda ayudar para que brinde mayor tiempo para subir ms capitulos, Muy buen libro pero si se tardan tanto em subir los captulos los lectores perderan el interes. Chapter 370 completed. I have been reading this for three weeks now. If this story be transfer in a movie series, it will explode Block buster movie.. I totally agree with you..If he leave Avella ill be disappointed, How come avela not doing s3x with marven if they love eachother. Because, their attention, care and love are unconditional. this is just a novel but ask again if looks cant get a woman in real life, a fvking friend of a friend always get laid because of looks and btw married a rich girl not only rich she is also an attorney and living like a king right now we both work at construction before he got married. why no more updates after chspter 3398??? So, no more thumb-twiddling for me. Besides who wouldve fed the family if I separated from the family company? Hi..the chapters of 1601 to 2000 is missing..can you repost it? At least ten million must be arranged to make sure she lives. Avella did respect Marven, she used her own money to pay when his caretaker from the orphanage was in the hospital and she was the only one who used to celebrate his birthday. Thank You, thank you for your feedback. I will be back every few weeks and catch up. I had to suffer humiliations from my friends for marrying a loser. Where is the 1256 onwards chapter? This will be great and I always stay up at night to get the new chapters. Buenas das, quien no sabe que es la esposa? Pls. YA TERMINE EL ULTIMO 2835.. Pero si va por el 3388, en otra pagina va en 3389, Me gusta mucho la novela pero el problema es que muy pocos captulos suben por das seria bueno , que subieran por lo menos 15 captulos por da eso sera fantstico, I have 2 days without a new chapter what happen, Quiero saber la siguiente parte al menos o proporcionar el enlace como dijiste, Buenas tardes me puedes mandar los siguientes captulos por favor del asombroso yerno millonario captulos siguientes 2832 en adelante gracias, Captulos cortos que horror, ya no hay mas imaginacin, Se terminaron los captulos pero Charley o Marven como se llame nunca decide con quien quedarse tiene muchas mujeres pero ni siquiera con la misma emocin se atreve a hacer nada ni con su ficticia esposa y veo que en este libro morir siendo virgen y arrogante, ser una persona rencorosa, aparte es un hombre se se cri con Gelotofobia que es lo mismo que el miedo patolgico a que se burlen de ti, entonces de ah es donde viene el drama y nunca estar con nadie para que no se burlen de l aunque se diga que es un machista resentido con tendencia psicolgica de ser gay, aparte es alguien con pensamiento dicotmico ests conmigo o ests contra m, las cosas o son blancas o son negras, o me ayudas o me traicionas, este tipo de enfoque conforma una clara distorsin cognitiva, es un esquema muy rgido de pensamiento del cual, las personas rencorosas ni tan siquiera son conscientes porque estn habituadas a bordear siempre los extremos, a situarse en posiciones muy polarizadas donde lo nico que consiguen es establecer enormes y amargas distancias con quienes les rodean.as como su orgullo pisoteado por mucho tiempo pero este orgullo de ese caballo aparentemente es de batalla, que todo lo invade, lo arrasa y lo transforma, esta caractersticas hace que este tipo de personas estn siempre a la defensiva, y que a la mnima se sientan heridos y altamente dolidos, no es fcil hacer vida, dialogar o llegar a acuerdos con quien se deja llevar siempre por el orgullo, por esa actitud que todo lo toma de forma personal, por lo que es evidente a realizar este proyecto no dejarlo a media y de volverse montono, surgieron que sigan con los captulos as de no ofender a los miles de lectores que a su medida son tiempo dedicados por su publicacin y el tiempo se respeta y es muy valioso, porque si tenan planificado hacer ste libro ya debera haber actualizado mas captulos con previa anticipacin. Muy buena la trama, como todos un poco desesperado porque la actualizacin de los captulos es lenta, pero igual no sabemos que otras actividades tiene la persona o personas que hacen la traduccin, realmente muy agradecido con ellos y esperando contar con ms capitulos que leer y seguir disfrutando de la novela. But there was still one shining point inside of him, he was faithful to Claire Wilson and to his marriage. When they get done with the chapters, they release them. What the heck! 114 West Wade Street Wadeboro, NC 28170. Been waiting for half a day. Since his wifes family were mostly vain and showing the worship of money, Charlie was despised by everyone except his wife. But we have to consider the future. Es verdad, debe quedarse con su mujer que es quien lo defendi siempre cuando era pobre. Yes its becoming increasingly uncomfortable to read. Con todo respeto, el autor de cada libro escribe a pasos diferentes, nadie te obliga a seguir leyendo si es que no te gusta lo que escribe, te recomiendo que si quieres que la tanda sea diferente escribas tu propio libro. I like his wife for him. Despus de los primeros 1000 captulos (por cierto ms cortos a medida que avanzan) se centra en la manera como poco a poco va debilitando a sus enemigos de turno al tiempo que encuentra nuevos competidores de mayor entidad. Of course shes uncomfortable because he was just a stanger and construction worker. SEOR QASIM, LE FELICITO POR ESA HISTORIA TAN EXCELENTE, NO ENTIENDO ESA ACTITUD DE LOS LECTORES, EN MI PC SIMPLEMENTE ME SALGO DE LA PAGINA, INGRESO NUEVAMENTE A LISTA DE CAPITULOS Y LISTO -VOY POR EL CAPITULO 3484 Y LA VERDAD ESTA MUY EMOCIONANTE SIGA ADELANTE. Creo que hasta aqui he llegado. I find it super cool how everything is always waiting for new updates daily. or else sell us the entire book. Por saber lo que suceder .. Estimado, cuando subirn los siguientes captulos, esta interesante. Por otro lado, han hecho un super hroe que al paso del tiempo sigue conformandose con su esposa cuando lo que debiera de ser es regresar con su prometida de la infancia. My suggestion however, when Charlie attends Gu Qiuyis concertplease release the whole chapters all together till the end of the concert. Charlie was the only one came without a present but actually asked for one million dollars! As the unique heir, anyone on Charlies chair would be confront with countless threatens and risks, let alone Charlie was left outside in accident for many years. Elsa is a snake, and Zyiui is a snobby manipulative [emailprotected]#! Es muy decepcionante que den tantos captulos solo para la compra de ropa, ya se est volviendo tendencia el relleno y nada de avances substanciales. Admin is too lazy to uploading next chapters. I look forward to reading this interesting story everyday. The family (parents) usually come first before either spouse, obviously this isnt always the case in every family, but its mainly hierarchical. My iPhone still stuck at 3398. Because Teresa is the oldest sons daughter who will be a heirs daughter of Xiaos family in the future. https://dreame.onelink.me/mOD1/3ri88ltq Read best novel here Subscribe to us and get more amazing stories Time map:0:00 - Hopeless life0:10 - Counter . Hi Share atleast 10 Chapter per day. i really keep on laughing everytime i read a comment that marven is just a construction worker and a loser, fvck being a construction worker and a loser is better than being slave, why keep a marriage more than 2 years that it has no love?